
OC LAFCO serves Orange County cities, special districts, and the county to ensure effective and efficient delivery of municipal services.

Services and Resources

Oversee Geographic Boundaries icon

Comprehensive studies that review the efficient and cost-effective delivery of municipal services by Orange County cities and special districts.

fiscal indicators icon
Fiscal Indicator Program

Fiscal indicators help measure and describe prospects involving the fiscal health of a local agency. OC LAFCO indicators include a depiction of the financial data of Orange County’s cities and special districts.

Bring Local Government & Communities Together icon
Shared Services Program

Launched in 2011, OC LAFCO Shared Services Program is designed to provide opportunities for local agencies to increase efficiency by sharing expertise and resources.

Evaluation of Public Service Delivery icon
MS Dashboard

The Municipal Services Dashboard is an interactive tool that visually displays demographics and data found in the state-mandated municipal service reviews prepared for Orange County cities and special districts.

History of LAFCOs

Studying Boundaries & Resources
Studying Boundaries & Resources

Governor Edmund G. “Pat” Brown appointed the Commission of Metropolitan Area Problems (The Commission) to study the complexities of local government boundaries and the misuse of land resources.

1963 LAFCOs Established To Regulate Boundaries
LAFCOs Established To Regulate Boundaries

The Commission’s recommendations were translated into the Knox-Nisbet Act of 1963 which established LAFCOs and provided LAFCOs with regulatory authority of local agency boundary changes.

1985 Laws Governing City & District Boundaries Are Unified
Laws Governing City & District Boundaries Are Unified

The Legislature enacted the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, repealing three previous acts (the Knox-Nisbet Act of 1963, the District Reorganization Act of 1965 and the Municipal Organization Act of 1977) and bringing the state’s boundary laws for cities and districts together into a single, unified statute.

1997 Commission Established Review & Revise Boundary Laws
Commission Established Review & Revise Boundary Laws

The Legislature established the Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century to review current statutes and recommend revisions to laws that govern city, county and special district boundary changes.

2000 Boundary Reform Bill Makes LAFCOs More Independent & Creates Review Process
Boundary Reform Bill Makes LAFCOs More Independent & Creates Review Process

The Commission on Local Governance for the 21st Century released its recommendations in a report entitled Growth Within Bounds. The Legislature responded by passing the most important boundary reform bill since creating LAFCOs – the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. This legislation empowered LAFCOs to become more proactive in addressing municipal service issues, required LAFCOs to be independent from counties, changed how LAFCOs were funded and required the preparation of Municipal Service Reviews.